Wednesday, September 12

15 minutes of fame

Iconic Pop artist Andy Warhol is often quoted for his statement, "In the future, everybody will be world-famous for 15 minutes." Twenty-five years after his death, his influence on contemporary art has well surpassed the 15-minute mark.

Campbell's Soup Company is the latest entity to honor his legacy.
The specially designed Campbell's soup cans pay tribute to his lively color palette, using orange, blue, pink and teal to spruce up the familiar design.
I was so excited to get all four and have them proudly displayed on my desk.They are awesome!
When once asked why he painted the soup cans, Warhol noted, "I used to have the same (Campbell's soup) lunch every day for 20 years."
He was also known to say, "I was looking for something that was the essence of nothing, and that was it."
I had an amazing experience in my life I had lunch with Andy Warhol-I know it's sounds crazy but it is true. As a very newbie art director I was asked to lunch with Andy and Issey Miyake-just the 3 of us. As we ate lunch Andy filmed us and never said a work-I wish I could see the footage today.
Andy Warhol-I love your work it always makes me smile-you were amazing-big thank you!

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